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Omega 3 for Dogs

Five known benefits of fish oil supplementation for dogs

Based on the documented benefits of fish oil, veterinarians, like me, recommend its use as a supplement that provides medicinal benefit (nutraceutical) for the following common canine maladies:

Treatment of arthritisTreatment of inflammatory skin diseaseTreatment of canine cognitive dysfunctionTreatment of heart diseasesTreatment of kidney disease

[Five Dog Diseases Fish Oil Can Help Treat 2015]

Fish oil is a dietary supplement that helps support dogs’ hearts, joints, coats, skin, and immune systems.High in omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil can either be part of a long-term plan or a momentary dietary boost.Always consult your veterinarian before starting your dog on fish oil or any other supplements.

Fish fat:

 supports the health of your pet’s heart,promotes a silky coat,reduces itching and flaking of the skin,may help relieve allergies and joint pain  helps to strengthen their immune systemhelps them fight canine cancer

That’s because fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, an essential “good” type of fat that helps your dog’s body and brain. Like humans, dogs can’t produce omega-3 fatty acids on their own and must get them from their diet. If you’re considering including fish oil as a part of your dog’s nutritional routine, here’s what you need to know.

DHA, a component of omega-3 fatty acids:

promotes proper brain and eye development in puppiesimproves cognitive function in older dogs with cognitive dysfunctioncan help treat canine arthritis and chronic kidney disease.

[Fish Oil for Dogs  2020]

[Auswirkungen von Fischöl bei der Fütterung auf das Immunsystem von Hunden 2005]

Commonly known as fatty acids, these good fats are more than just good for your pooch. They’re vital to everyday health, strong muscles and healthy joints.

When dogs are given omega-3 DHA and EPA from fish oil, it can offer support for various health concerns including:

Seasonal and Environmental AllergiesSkine HealthJoint HealthImmune Support

[Aleza Freeman, Health Benefits Of Fish Oil For Your Dog]

A soft shiny coat is the first sign of a healthy dog. If your dog’s coat is dull and brittle, or has dry, flaky skin, it may be lacking in essential fatty acids in its diet and may benefit from fish oil for pets.

Fish oil is a popular supplement for dogs and cats. They are rich in essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and help maintain the health of your pet’s skin and coat.

Fish oil for pets contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids that help support health from the inside out!

Top 10 Omega-3 Benefits for dogs for Dogs

1. Conditioned leather

Many pets suffer from dry skin, especially in semi-arid and arid climates and cold and dry winters. Omega-3 fatty acids help maintain the skin barrier that nourishes your pet’s skin and coat, restoring moisture and reducing itching and scratching caused by dry skin.

2. Less shedding and dandruff.

One of the number one complaints about pet ownership is loss. Most dogs shed at least a little, but there are ways to minimize excess shedding and dandruff. One way to keep your pet’s coat where it should be (rather than off the couch and clothing) is to supplement with omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids moisturize and hydrate your pet’s skin, reducing shedding and protecting the coat from roots. This is good news for everyone, but especially for pet owners who are allergic to pets and can’t live without their best friends.

3. More shiny coat.

Hydrated, healthy skin also makes the coat shiny and beautiful. A shiny coat is a good indicator of your pet’s overall health, and omega-3s can help you with that.

4. Less infections

The essential omega-3 fatty acids help prevent infection as they support the skin’s barrier. If your pet is getting the right amount of omega-3s, their immune system must regularly defend itself against infections. Plus, when an infection develops, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s can help reduce painful symptoms.

5. Reducing scratches and hot spots.

Dry, scaly skin is a sign of an essential fatty acid deficiency, and this not only makes your pet look dull and its coat dull. Overly dry skin also causes itching, which can cause problems for the dog.

When pets itch, they can allow bacteria to penetrate the skin barrier, leading to hot spots. Since hot spots are painful and annoying for your pet, they will instinctively chew or lick them, which makes the problem worse.

Omega-3 supplements can help reduce inflammation that causes itching, as well as heal any cracks in the skin that your dog has already opened.

6. Support for the treatment of chronic diseases

No pet owner wants their pet to suffer, especially from a chronic disease that cannot be cured. Omega-3 fatty acids have properties that protect against the risk of chronic disease as well as help manage conditions. This is not a medicine, but it can help reduce symptoms and improve your dog’s quality of life.

Some studies even suggest that omega-3s may help prevent and slow the spread of cancer cells in the body.

7. Increased resistance to autoimmune diseases.

The immune supporting properties of omega-3s have the added benefit of protecting your dog from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scabies, and others. The benefits are mainly related to the anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fatty acids.

8. Strong nails.

Dry, brittle and cracked nails are another sign of an essential fatty acid deficiency. Poor nail condition can affect your dog’s mobility. Offer omega-3s to protect cells that support nail growth and health, making nails smoother and less brittle.

9. Improving brain health.

DHA is vital for your dog’s brain health, especially during puppyhood when it is developing. They protect the structure of brain cells and can stimulate the production of serotonin as well as limit aggression. They also help maintain cognitive function in older animals by preventing deterioration that can lead to both physical and mental decline.

[Benefits of fish oil for pets and omega-3s for dogs, Krystn Janisse 2021]

Research on the effects of vitamin E on dogs:

Vitamin E is also an essential, fat-soluble vitamin that is good for a dog’s immune system, muscles, heart health, liver, nerve cell membranes and healthy skin and coat.

[Vitamin E for Dogs]

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that is essential for your pet’s body to develop strong and healthy muscles, and healthy circulatory and immune systems. It’s also an antioxidant, helping to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Vitamin E functions as a quenching agent for free radical molecules with single, highly reactive electrons in its outer shell.

Is Vitamin E Good for Dogs?

According to Lindsay Tracy, Director of New Business and Product Development at Redbarn Pet Products, “Free radicals are a group of atoms containing oxygen and free electrons that can damage cell membranes, proteins, DNA, and other essential parts of your pet’s body. Although free radicals are naturally produced by the metabolic process within the body, they can be overproduced when your pet is exposed to toxins, becomes ill, or is simply aging naturally.”

Studies have shown that free radicals can even cause cellular damage that can be a contributing factor to heart disease.

Although Vitamin E deficiency is rare in dogs, when a deficiency is developing you may notice poor vision, neurologic abnormalities, reproductive dysfunction, and an impaired immune system.

Top 6 Benefits of Vitamin E for Cats and Dogs

According to a report by DSM Bright Science Research in Animal Nutrition and Health, here are the top 6 benefits of Vitamin E for dogs.

1. Shiny Coat

Vitamin E supports healthy skin and coats. If you turn your dog’s shampoo around, you may notice Vitamin E on the ingredient list, to help reduce flakiness and promote a healthy, glossy coat.

2. Improved Immune System

Cold weather can dry out the skin and compromise the immune system. Both of those ailments are combated with Vitamin E for dogs.

3. Increased Fertility

According to a study performed by Researchgate, Vitamin E supplementation for 60 days or more can improve the quality of semen in dogs with lowered fertility.

4. Improved Eyesight

A famous researcher named Dr. Wilfrid Shute treated a champion Doberman Pinscher who became infertile and went blind with cataracts at age seven. After a few weeks of taking 300 IUs of Vitamin E daily, the dog sired several litters of puppies and, within three months, his cataracts cleared up!

5. Improved Muscular Function

Certain deficiency signs of Vitamin E, like muscular dystrophy, can be prevented by Vitamin E supplementation along with other antioxidants and nutrients recommended by your veterinarian.

6. Improved Cardiovascular Health

According to a study performed by researchers in the Department of Clinical Sciences at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition on the Effects of Dietary Modification in Dogs with Early Chronic Valvular Disease, “When animals are given Vitamin E from a young age, the progression of age-related issues like cataracts, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and decreased immune function are slowed down. Dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy have increased oxidative stress compared to normal dogs, and Vitamin E concentrations decrease as the disease progresses.”



Vitamin E:

  helps build cell membranes,  maintains healthy eyes and skin,  metabolizes fat  helps the body synthesize other nutrients such as vitamin C and ubiquinone  antioxidant.

When free radicals cause too much oxidative damage to cells and DNA, it can affect:

dog sight,tissue integrityseveral important systems including:reproductive,immune,cardiovascularthe neurological system.

At the same time, these free radicals contribute to the development of diseases and cancer cells. In dogs, antioxidants such as vitamin E stop free radicals in their path, thereby protecting cells and reducing the risk of inflammation, cancer, and even the effects of aging such as memory loss and cognitive dysfunction.

  Clinical studies have even shown vitamin E to be beneficial in treating arthritis and allergies, and may also reduce the toxicity of certain heavy metals.

Signs of Vitamin E Deficiency in Dogs

If your dog is vitamin E deficient, you may notice:

Muscle weakness and degenerationDecreased visionSkin problemsWeight lossDecreased fertilityBehavioral changes or other neurological problemsWeakened immunityBrown bowel syndrome

[Vitamin E for dogs , Ким Рейн ,2021]

Research on the effects of vitamin D in dogs:

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that helps dogs regulate calcium and phosphorus balance and retention

helps the development of bones and teethregulates heart rate  promotes blood clottingabsorption of calcium in the bodyvital for hormonal balance and healthy digestion.

The largest and most readily available source of the mentioned micronutrients is the sun.

Both humans and animals can get their daily intake of vitamin D from sunlight. However, some animals, such as dogs, respond better to vitamin D from supplements.

Most animals produce enough vitamin D after sun exposure. Ultraviolet rays from sunlight convert the vitamin D precursor, 7-DHC, in the skin to vitamin D. The produced nutrient is then metabolized in the liver and used in the body. Dogs get some of their daily intake of vitamin D from the sun, but their biology responds better to dietary vitamin D. Dogs have limited 7-DHC levels and do not produce significant amounts of vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Therefore, it is important that you include nutritional supplements in your dog’s diet.

[Do Dogs Need Vitamin D From Sunlight? 2021]

Vitamin D is a key nutrient that dogs need to feel good. This vitamin is sometimes called the „sunlight vitamin“ because humans synthesize it when exposed to sunlight; however, dogs cannot produce vitamin D in this way. Dogs must get all of their vitamin D from their diet.

Vitamin D is an essential part of the dog’s skeletal system as it helps:

  control calcium deposits and calcium absorption from bones.  plays a role in the absorption of calcium from food during digestion in the intestines.

This means that vitamin D is also essential for healthy muscle and nerve function in dogs.

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency in Dogs
Brittle bonesDecreased muscle massFatigueGrowth retardation

Vitamin D deficiency in dogs can increase the risk of:

Chronic heart failureComplications of cardiovascular diseaseSoft bonesRicketsDemineralization of bonesOther bone diseases

[Vitamin D for dogs.  Emily Gantt, 2021]

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