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Supporto fantastico: la nostra formula vitaminica a base di batteri per una digestione ottimale!


was formulated based on the probiotic "Nominated Bacteria of the Year 2023," as selected by the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM).


Probiotika liefern nützliche Bakterienstämme, die die Gesundheit des Hundes wiederherstellen. Sie verfügen über ein breites Spektrum an physiologischen Eigenschaften und Verfahren und können eine Vielzahl von Enzymen und anderen Stoffwechselprodukten synthetisieren. Die Aufrechterhaltung eines gesunden Mikrobioms und einer gesunden Darmflora verbessert die Gesundheit des Verdauungs- und Immunsystems Ihres Hundes.

Liquid Slica

improving joint health, promoting healthy skin and coat, supporting digestive health, and enhancing overall vitality.Proponents of liquid silica helps with the production of collagen, a protein important for maintaining healthy joints, bones, and connective tissue, antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidative damage.

Vitamin E

Probiotika liefern nützliche Bakterienstämme, die die Gesundheit des Hundes wiederherstellen. Sie verfügen über ein breites Spektrum an physiologischen Eigenschaften und Verfahren und können eine Vielzahl von Enzymen und anderen Stoffwechselprodukten synthetisieren. Die Aufrechterhaltung eines gesunden Mikrobioms und einer gesunden Darmflora verbessert die Gesundheit des Verdauungs- und Immunsystems Ihres Hundes.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D ist in vielerlei Hinsicht nützlich. Es ist ein Prohormon, das nach der Einnahme zu einem voll funktionsfähigen Hormon im Körper wird. Die Knochen- und Zahnbildung, die Hormonhomöostase, die Zellregeneration und die Kalziumabsorption werden durch die Speicherung von Phosphor unterstützt, die dieser Mineralstoff reguliert. Es fördert die Verdauung, reguliert den Blutdruck, verhindert die Bildung von Blutgerinnseln, verbessert die Stimmung und sorgt allgemein für ein besseres Wohlbefinden. Im Gegensatz zum Menschen müssen Hunde den Großteil des benötigten Vitamin D über die Nahrung aufnehmen, da sie UVB-Sonnenlicht nicht in Vitamin D3 umwandeln können.

Vitamin K

Ohne die Gerinnungsproteine, die nur mit Hilfe von Vitamin K gebildet werden können, kann das Blut nicht gerinnen. Es kontrolliert den Kalziumspiegel im Blut und unterstützt das Knochenwachstum und den Stoffwechsel. Dieses fettlösliche Vitamin schützt außerdem das Skelett von Hunden vor den Folgen von Osteoporose.

Omega 3

Die Versorgung Ihres Hundes mit Omega-3-Fettsäuren ist ein Muss. Diese „guten“ Fettsäuren sind entscheidend für eine gesunde Entzündungsreaktion, die wiederum dazu beiträgt, Hüften und Gelenke flexibel zu halten und die Mobilität zu erhöhen. Omega-3-Fettsäuren kommen Hunden jeden Alters zugute, indem sie die Gehirnleistung und die kardiovaskuläre Gesundheit fördern. Auch Welpen benötigen Omega-3-Fettsäuren für eine gesunde Entwicklung von Gehirn und Augen. Omega-3-Fettsäuren sind für die Gesundheit des Hundes unerlässlich, aber der Körper kann sie nicht selbst herstellen. Omega-3-Fettsäuren haben sich als vielversprechend bei der Behandlung verschiedener Krankheiten erwiesen, darunter Arthritis und chronische Nierenerkrankungen..

Le rivoluzionarie vitamine a base di batteri di PawPro


Ottimizza la salute digestiva del tuo cane! Le nostre esclusive vitamine a base di batteri offrono una soluzione naturale per migliorare la vitalità del tuo amico peloso. Scopri come la nostra miscela premium di probiotici, Omega 3 e altro soddisfa le esigenze digestive del tuo cane
Questo integratore attentamente formulato può supportare l'apparato digerente del tuo cane con una sola dose giornaliera e contiene ingredienti efficaci e scientificamente convalidati.


Why does the dog bark constantly?

Perché il cane abbaia costantemente?

Abbaiare per un cane è come una voce per noi. È un mezzo di comunicazione con il mondo che lo circonda. Attraverso l'abbaiare, i cani esprimono emozioni, attirano l'attenzione e avvertono de...

Per saperne di più
Obesity in dogs. Why is it dangerous?

Obesità nei cani. Perché è pericolosa?

L'obesità provoca lo sviluppo di gravi malattie, molte delle quali (ad esempio, l'insufficienza cardiaca e il diabete) sono irreversibili. Ora aggiungiamo a questo i problemi alle artic...

Per saperne di più
The best help for dogs with digestive problems

Il miglior aiuto per i cani con problemi digestivi

La famiglia di batteri probiotici Bacillus Subtilis è la migliore per i cani perché la caratteristica principale di questi microrganismi è che sono altamente resistenti alle influenze d...

Per saperne di più

Interesting Facts

Good to known
What are probiotics?
They are viable microorganisms that have a health-promoting effect on the host organism when taken orally. Among the best known are Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria and Enterococci. They increase the concentration of beneficial endogenous bacteria in the intestine and stabilize the microbiome in the intestinal flora.

They are especially helpful in the reconstruction after antibiotic treatment, diarrhea, recurrent colds, and after vaccines and operation, etc.

Bacillus Subtilis in PawPro is important and extremely helpful. It is a spore-forming bacterium that, among other things, is involved in the synthesis of antimicrobial substances and serves to support the entire immune system, the body’s own intestinal flora, i.e. the microbiome, the synthesis of digestive enzymes, etc. In addition, Bacillus Subtillis is effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Customer reviews

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What Say About Us

Fritz Br

PawPro's comprehensive formula has been a lifesaver for my Labrador's digestive health. This pet supplement is specially designed with a blend of digestive enzymes, probiotics, and soothing ingredients that promote a healthy gut. Since incorporating PawPro into my Labrador's diet, I've noticed a significant improvement in his digestion, including reduced bloating, gas, and discomfort.

Richard M.

PawPro Pet Supplement Review: A Munich Dog Owner's Must-Have!

PawPro is a game-changer for my bulldog Lenny! Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it boosts overall health. My dog's energy, coat, and joint health have improved. Exceptional customer service too. PawPro is a must for dog owners in Munich and beyond!

Katherine W.

I can't recommend PawPro enough for my little companion, Sunny. This pet supplement has truly been a blessing in enhancing Sunny's well-being. Let me share why PawPro has become an essential part of our daily routine and why it's a must-have for urban dogs. As a responsible pet owner, I prioritize products that are free from harmful additives or artificial substances. PawPro has exceeded my expectations in this regard, as it is crafted using premium, high-quality ingredients that are safe and effective for Sunny. I find comfort in knowing that I'm providing Sunny with a supplement that aligns with my commitment to his well-being.

Fritz B.

Since introducing PawPro, Luna's my little yorki digestive issues have significantly improved. She experiences less discomfort, and her bowel movements are more regular. I've also noticed an overall boost in her energy and well-being, which I attribute to the improved digestion and nutrient absorption facilitated by PawPro.

Emma K.

PawPro had a positive effect on my Bella, that struggles with allergies. The omega-3 fatty acids have helped in reducing inflammation and soothing his allergic reactions.

Furthermore, PawPro has significantly improved my dog's dry skin. The nourishing ingredients in this supplement have helped restore moisture, resulting in a healthier and more supple coat. The dryness and itchiness that once plagued him have diminished, allowing him to be more comfortable and content.